Thanks to our extensive expertise in streaming and downloading audiobooks, music, and podcasts, we offer one of the broadest market coverages in our industry with a growing global distribution network of currently over 100 digital service providers.
Together with high-reach channels, we are strategically developing the user experience and offerings of audiobooks in neighboring ecosystems as well, and opening up new sustainable distribution channels for our publishers' audiobooks and audio dramas. As a Spotify Preferred Platinum distribution partner, Spotify Preferred Delivery platform, Apple Music and Apple Books Preferred Provider, and many more, our customers can be assured of successful distribution across all relevant channels.
The requirements of our customers are very different and need individual solutions. That's why Custom Solutions have always been part of our DNA.Our technology-supported developments and innovative tools help our publishers to guarantee optimal delivery, findability, presentation and evaluation of their audio books and plays.
For example, with the technical digital distribution company EMS, purchased in 2019, with which we are continuously and individually developing flexible and advanced in-house solutions for audiobook distribution together with our publishers.
Through our comprehensive distribution network, we not only bring our publishers' audiobooks to the customers, we also bring the customers to their content.
Through intensive, holistic marketing campaigns that are perfectly tailored to our publishers and the individual product, we help our publishers to professionally market their audiobook content and ensure individual and effective marketing access to users. In addition, we offer excellent sales marketing thanks to our proximity to all relevant services and stores.
For the 360-degree production service, our publishers have access to a large number of partner studios with the best recording and editing technology as well as professional all-round solutions from a single source.
We advise our customers in advance on the selection of material and the choice of speakers and offer close support during the production of their titles. Our service also includes the joint evaluation of the produced content for the subsequent creation of plot derivations.
We are not only burning for good content but also for black figures. With "Audiobooks Analytics," we have developed our own analysis tool for audiobooks and audio games that allows us to continuously maximize the added value for our publishers.
Thanks to our excellent evaluation mechanisms, we receive valuable learnings about the listening behavior of their users. This enables us to develop concrete actionable conclusions from the complex range of figures: For example, we can monitor fluctuations in the audiobook market very closely and respond quickly and effectively.
We see the individual, strategic consulting of our customers and the digital further development of their products as one of our most important tasks. To do this, we have to keep our finger on the pulse of the audio industry so that we can react quickly and competently to changes. This is the only way we can develop long-term and sustainable business models together with our publishers. With a focus on innovation and new markets, we also advise our publishers on new business areas.
Thanks to our extensive experience in this area in particular, we can confidently assess even "experimental" projects and translate changes into measures and individual strategies.
lismio is the industry's unique, high-reach marketing multi-channel network for publishers: With the lismio app with over 800k downloads, lismio playlists on Spotify with over 800k followers and their own lismio social media accounts, our publishers get exclusive, direct access to their users.
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